Friday, September 27, 2013


Hey all,

Thanks for all of your continued support on my blog throughout the years. It has been QUITE some time since I've been an active user, and this is mostly due to the fact that I have had many exciting life changes! But I apologize for not sharing more Baltimore spots... I just ran out of time!

I relocated to Austin in the summer of 2012. And it is an AMAZING place. So far, I really feel like I am at home. 

I realize that I initially started this journey to debunk the myth that Baltimore is a lame town. Well - I think I did that in my own heart, even if I didn't necessarily share that on the web with you all :-) I soaked up the Charm of that city, and then it was time to move on...

And now, with my new location and new journey, I would love to continue the process of finding the sweet spots in town and sharing them with all you special people! The only difference will be that my life is in AUSTIN instead of Baltimore.

Do y'all wanna come along for the ride? Well then......